Monday, May 24, 2010

My Braceface Adventures

So we all know I have far from straight teeth.....and I recently decided to get braces while I am young enough to do so. This will be a blog for the next few months about my process and adjustment while undergoing treatment. The first part of the process was fairly easy. A few photos and molds of my teeth and jaws, some x-rays, no problem. The spaces weren't even that bad. The spacers got placed in between my molars on my upper teeth and are used to create space when the palatal expander gets placed in (I have a photo of that too). While I had no pain with the spacers and couldn't really even notice they were in there, I was careful with how I ate and what I ate because I was afraid they would fall out and I did not want to put them back in myself with the dental floss like they had advised me to do should it fall out.

A few days ago I went back and got the rubber spacers out and my expander put in. I had no idea the expander was going to be this much of a nightmare and make me as miserable as I am. I've had a constant headache, my tongue is all cut up, I can barely eat, I can't talk and when I do I sound really funny. Everyone says it takes a week or so to adjust and get used to it but I don't think I will. I have to wear this thing for 3-6 months, maybe more depending on if my teeth cooperate or not.

See full size image This is what the expander looks like. Mine does not have a key like most people have, but rather the shape and the position of the wires creates its' own pressure to expand my palate. I am ready for the 3-6 months to be over with because I am miserable. :(

This is my fifth day and the adjustment process has come slowly. Though you can understand me a little bit better when I talk I have a permanent speech impediment with this in. Oh won't dispatching be fun. :/